What Types of Wheat Flour Are Used For Baking?

There are so many choices of flour for baking, it can be overwhelming. Here are some of the most common types of wheat baking flour. Click here to learn more about gluten free flour options.

What is All Purpose Flour?

All-purpose flour is mixed with both high and low gluten protein flours which make it a good choice for a large amount of recipes. While other flours may be more specifically suited to a particular recipe, AP flour can often be used interchangeably when other flours are called for in a recipe.


What is Bread Flour?

Bread flour is made from hard, high protein wheat. It has additional protein and gluten content which gives baked goods more structure when combined with yeast in basic bread.

What is Cake Flour?

Cake flour has the lowest gluten content of any wheat flour and is made from soft wheat The flour is lighter allowing cakes to keep a risen and fluffy texture without collapsing.

What is Pastry Flour?

With its gluten content falling between cake and all purpose flour, pastry flour is also made from soft wheat. This type of flour is sometimes hard to find but a similar texture can be created by using a 2-to-1 ratio of all purpose flour to cake flour. Pastry flour is often used for pie crusts, biscuits, cookies and quick breads but not for yeast breads.

What is Self-Rising Flour?

Self rising flour is made from combining all purpose flour with salt and baking powder. It is available already mixed or to make your own: for every one cup of flour, add 1 1/2 tsp of baking powder and 1/2 tsp of salt. Stir with a whisk to make sure it is evenly distributed. Self rising flour is used for biscuits and quick breads most often.

What is Whole Wheat Flour?

Whole wheat flour is made from the whole kernel of wheat causing it to have more fiber and nutrients that any other processed wheat flour. Because the gluten level is mid-range, it often must be combined with other flour types to maintain good stability and texture in baked goods.

How to Store Flour?

It is recommended to remove the flour from the paper bag it is shipped in and transfer it to another container upon purchase to help it keep longer. Flour is best stored in air tight containers or even the freezer. It will keep for up to a year in air tight containers, and possibly longer in the freezer.

Need More Baking Tips?

Visit us at www.bakeryonmaple.com for more baking tips or to order beautiful custom cakes, cupcakes, cookies or more!

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